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Flexor Hallucis Longus and Flexor Digitorum Longus: Learn Your Muscles
Flexor Hallucis Longus and Flexor Digitorum Longus: Learn Your Muscles
Joint Distraction Exercise for the Knee #PreHabExercise This Joint Distraction will help improve the Range of Motion and arthrokinemtics of the KNEE which can help improve alignment in many movement patterns including squatting running jumping and more. Proper Alignment is essential to optimal performance as well as a preventative measure against repetitive movements and repetitive stress injuries. #PreHab #PrepareToPerform Here's how: KNEE: DEEP SQUAT KNEE FLEXION Benefits: This Joint...
Prehab Exercises - [Diagram] Rolling the Calf Muscles Mobility leads to improved Alignment and Ankle/Foot Stability #SpringMobilityChallenge The Posterior Tibialis and the Peroneals are very important calf muscles that synergize with the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles to create powerful and stable movements through the foot and Ankle. It's important to treat the Posterior Tibialis and the Peroneals as part of a soft tissue therapy practice for a couple of good reasons. 1) The Posterior Tibialis is a muscle that helps to create the arch in the foot, which leads to correct ankle and knee alignment and can help prevent ACL injuries. 2) The Peroneals can become overactive due to a collapsing arch and start to create an inward movement at the knee, called a Valgus Knee movement, that threatens the ACL. Take the time to practice soft tissue therapy on both the Posterior Tibialis and the Peroneals and watch your foot, ankle and knee alignment improve! Join in #prehabexercises #SpringMobilityChallenge and win a free ebook! Plus, get more mobile too! #prehab to move well and prevent injuries. | Facebook
[Diagram] Rolling the Calf Muscles Mobility leads to improved Alignment and Ankle/Foot Stability The Posterior Tibialis and the Peroneals are very important calf muscles that synergize with the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles to create powerful and stable movements through the foot and Ankle. It's important to treat the Posterior Tibialis and the Peroneals as part of a soft tissue therapy practice for a couple of good reasons. 1) The Posterior Tibialis is a muscle that helps to create the arch