
168 Pins
Evde Bardak Altlığı Nasıl Yapılır? - Pratik Bilgiler
Nähen & Handarbeit - Etsy.de
Selbstgenäht Handytasche: Wir zeigen Dir, wie es geht und haben das Schnittmuster für die Handytasche / sewing pattern for a smartphone case via DaWanda.com
Period Kit for School - DIY Secret Compartment Notebook Cover Clutch
Create a DIY Notebook cover that looks like a clutch purse or notebook cover but has a secret compartment for storing pads like Kotex. There's a full video tutorial for this project at the link above. Make this for back to school so your teen girl can discreetly store her pads or tampons and always be prepared - her friends will be happy that she has their back #CycleSurvival #ad #collectivebias
Simple Tutorial for Small Pretty Bag
How to easy sew a nice small clutch bag? You can see it here http://fastmade.blogspot.com/2016/02/simple-tutorial-for-small-pretty-bag.html:
Felt Coin Purse Wallet Tutorial
Felt Coin Purse Wallet Tutorial http://www.free-tutorial.net/2017/01/felt-coin-purse-wallet-tutorial.html
Tutorial Nº 14 - Finalmente o tutorial das fadas !
Continuando com a partilha de experiências e conhecimentos e depois de imensos pedidos para mostrar o passo-a-passo das fadinhas, feltradas...
Tutorial Nº 14 - Finalmente o tutorial das fadas !
TERRA DE CORES: Tutorial Nº 14 - Finalmente o tutorial das fadas !
Como fazer bonequinhas de lã
Neste artigo ou mostrar como fazer bonequinhas de forma fácil e rápida Aprenda como fazer estas lindas bonequinhas para completar sua c...
Мастер-класс. Войлочная брошь "Ландыши"
Здравствуйте, дорогие участники и читатели сообщества! Рада представить вам мастер-класс по валянию ландышей. Надеюсь, вы получите удовольствие от просмотра и…