Gardens *

14 Pins
Fairy Gardens: Preparing Them for Winter plus Book Giveaway
How To Make Fairy Furniture | Fairy Gardens: Preparing Them for Winter plus Book Giveaway — Cold ...
Mary's Miniature Garden ~ Fairy Garden Guru. Lots of ideas and DIY's. Great site!
The Small GardenBlog
Super cool ideas for smaller yards... The examples shared below are all small space gardens on a rectangular plot of land approximately 5 – 10m2 in size and illustrate how through clever landscape design and a little imagination, small space gardens can have no boundaries
Wow, I love this garden's feel - mysterious, experiential, very design driven, and with a clear hierarchy of scales and interactions. Tight and flowing.
Succulent Terrariums
DIY Succulent terrariums - Learn more on how to create your own personalized succulents during your local #DIHWorkshop at Home Depot.
Hogarmania - Las mejores ideas para tu hogar
mini gardens