tricô e croché

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Arte que inspira - Crochê com Amor on Instagram: "O @artque_inspira traz muitas dicas e truques de crochê para te inspirar. 🌻Se você é o criador deste conteúdo e prefere que seja removido nos envie uma mensagem por direct (DM). Obrigada Crédito: @spagettiyarn #crochê #croche #veraoeuropeu #crochepassoapasso #crochemoderno #crocheteiras #crochedozero #crocheperfeito #crocheterapia #moda #estilocrochê #crochelindo #crochetando #crochebrasil #crocheteira #artequeinspira"
RukeKnit // Neringa Rūkė on Instagram: "Increases M1R and M1L ♥️ #yogawintersweater •••••••••••• #rukeknit #knittutorial #knitvideo #knitknitknit #handknitting #onmyneedlesruke #iknitruke"
RukeKnit // Neringa Rūkė on Instagram: "Ruke cast-off 💙 Make it easy! ••••••••••• #rukecastoff #rukeknit #knitvideo #rukeknittingpattern #knittersgonnaknit #iknitruke #knitdesigner #knittutorial #knitknitknit #handknitting #onmyneedlesruke #rukewool"
Laura Nelkin (aka Lola!) on Instagram: "Boomerang Shaped Scarves and Shawls are one of my favorite shapes to design... and the shaping rule is crazy easy! All you need is 2 increases at the beginning of right side rows and 1 decrease at the end! If you are looking for a SUPER easy scarf/shawl pattern designed to use any skein of yarn, check out Basic Boomerang! Just comment BOOMERANG below, and I'll send you a link to check it out! 🥰😘 #knit #knitting #knitstagram #knittingtip #knittingtechnique #knittingteacher #knittinginspiration"
A'Medice | House of Knitwear on Instagram: "New Crochet Tip of the Day ✨ A Must Watch!! Also, Shop Sale is on with upto 80% off, so make sure to visit my shop link in Bio ☝️💯 Videos are strictly for educational purposes only and are not intented for any brand or sale promotion. 💯 #knitwearshop #crochetersofinstagram #knittingjourney #knittingpattern #guide #howtoguide #patterndesign #knitweardesigner #smallbusiness #womenempowerment #womeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen #knittersgonnaknit #growingin2024 #growth #instagood #innerchildhealing #knittingpattern"
Emma | Knitting on Instagram: "Make some Mohair Scrunchies for an upcoming market with me ♥️ one scrunchie takes less than an hour to make and they only use 9g of mohair each 🫶🏻 Here’s the tutorial/pattern: 1. Cast on 50 sts with silk mohair held triple 2. Knit 20 rounds in stockinette stitch 3. Flip the inside out, slip over a hair tie 4. Knit the live sts and the cast on sts together while also casting off 5. Weave in ends, voila you’re done! • #knittingtutorial #knitting #mohairscrunchie #mohair"
ane fiskum sunde ☽ novemberknits on Instagram: "so thrilled about this. amazing @knit.valley knitted a new saga winter neck for me, as my old one was really worn out. it has a longer turtleneck than the original pattern, and measures 21 cm. it’s knitted in alpaca 3 (43) and silk mohair (68) from @isageryarn, a yarn combination I’ve only seen in pictures before, but it’s so (!) soft. highly highly recommend. pattern and lots of yarn alternatives at novemberknits and ravelry #sagawinterneck"
Ideias criativas | DIY | decoração | organização on Instagram: "#fadinha #amizade #diy #dicas #dica #arte #macrame #inspiração"
ВЯЗАНИЕ НА ЗАКАЗ•МАСТЕР-КЛАССЫ on Instagram: "Обработка края шлема #мышкин_шлем 🐭 Все мастер-классы на сайте ____________________________ #вязаныйшлем #шлемспицами #балаклава #вязаниедлядетей #детскаяшапка #шапкаспицами #мквязаниеспицами #описаниевязаниябесплатно #описаниевязания #вязанаяшапка"