
267 Pins
Ostereier basteln aus Papier – so machst du aus Altpapier hübsche Anhänger
Wer Ostereier basteln möchte, ohne dafür Hühnereier ausblasen zu müssen, kann diese dekorativen Eier aus Altpapierresten ganz einfach selber machen.
This may contain: a coffee table with flowers and eggs on it
Loving the creation for this it's so beautiful for easter🤩👌🐇🌷💐🌷💐
Loving the creation for this it's so beautiful for easter🤩👌🐇🌷💐🌷💐
Decoração com Cenoura para Páscoa - Como fazer em casa
Decoração com cenoura para Páscoa | Como fazer em casa
+42【ARRANJOS DE PÁSCOA】para usar na decoração!
arranjo de mesa simples e com cenouras para páscoa
How to Make Pom Pom Sheep
These pom pom sheep are SO CUTE and they're really simple to make! It's so easy to make DIY pom poms from yarn just by using your hands! This is such a fun kids craft for spring, or even Easter! I love that it uses such simple craft supplies. Pom pom crafts are the best!