
Toronto tem um encanto especial porque... // Toronto has a special charm because...
14 Pins
Niagara Falls
... é a porta de entrada para as deslumbrantes Cataratas do Niagara. // ... it's the door to the stunning Niagara Falls.
Authentic Canadian Poutine Recipe - Seasons and Suppers
... tem comida que o vai deixar com água na boca. // ... it has food that will leave you drooling.
Casa Loma | TourbyTransit
... há um castelo no meio da cidade. // ... there is a midtown castle. (Casa Loma)
See the view from 553.33 meters above Toronto
Begin your stay by visiting the city’s most striking landmark: the CN Tower. But be prepared, besides offering an incredible view from 553 meters (1815 feet) above Toronto, its glass floor will take your breath away. For the more daring, experience the Edge Walk: a 30-minute walk around the edge of one of the highest points of the tower while secured by steel cables! If you still want more, you can take a trip to the majestic Niagara Falls, just 130 kilometers (81 miles) away.
10 Reasons To Visit Toronto City
A CN Tower é o cartão de visita da cidade. // The CN Tower is the city's greeting card.
Cheap Flights to Toronto (YYZ) | TAP Air Portugal
Bem vindos a Toronto! // Welcome to Toronto!
[daily dose of imagery] tall clock
... as caminhadas são feitas por distritos históricos. // ...walks are made through historic districts.
Toronto Yonge-Dundas Square
... também tem a sua própria Times Square - a praça de Yonge-Dundas. // ... also has its own Times Square, Yonge-Dundas Square.
toronto islands on Tumblr
... podemos fugir à confusão e apreciar a vista. // ... we can run from the crowds and just enjoy the view.
Old City Hall in Toronto, Canada (by gregorywass).
... a antiga prefeitura da cidade de Toronto parece retirada de um filme antigo. // ...the Old City Hall of Toronto resembles an old movie.
Tips on How to Save Money when You Visit Toronto
... existe um lugar para prestar homenagem às estrelas do hóquei no gelo. // ... there is a place to honour the stars of Ice Hockey. (Hockey Hall of Fame)
... a arquitetura da Galeria de Arte de Ontario é deslumbrante. // ...the architecture of the Art Gallery of Ontario is stunning.