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"Being in sync with watercolor requires a confident hand and a willingness to be on the razor's edge. If you crash and burn, so what? Surely, playing it safe won't take you where you want to be." - Frank LaLumia By @makoccinos 💫 Release your creativity with a BONUS eBook Library by buying NIL Tech Pencil Set, just click ➡️THE WEBSITE LINK Follow us on: 👉FB /NiLTechClub🎨 👉IG @love_to_draw_nil 🎨 #art #drawing #picture #beautiful #masterpiece #graphic #graphics #niltech #watercolor
Demo on painting a portrait...part 1 - this demo uses oils. See if techniques can be applied to acrylic? #OilPaintingPeople
Tiefes Kunsthandwerk Steinfigur Träumer in Dunkelbraun, abstrakte Deko-Figur für Haus und Garten, Moderne Statue als Garten-Figur Tiefes Kunsthandwerk Steinfigur Träumer in Dunkelbraun, abstrakte Deko-Figur für Haus und