Emergency crafts

19 Pins
Save The Baggies of Silica Beads That Come With New Shoes For These 6 Handy Tricks
6 Unexpected Uses for Those Baggies of Silica Beads From Your New Shoes
DIY Emergency Heater
Easy DIY Emergency Heater In Case Power Goes Out Using Supplies you already have at Home
San Diego Union-Tribune
Are you prepared for a real disaster? Here's a plan. For your survival kit, use a portable container such as a large, covered trash receptacle. If you store your liquids at the bottom of your container, you’ll reduce the chance of damage from leaking plastic bottles. Put food, first aid kit & clothes on top. Easy to grab & go if needed.
Pure Water, No Matter What: A Review of Berkey Water Filters
Improvised Water Filter
78 Skills Everyone Should Know
Starting a Fire
Rocket stove in use - everyone needs to know how to build/use one of these for "those" times when there's no other way to cook.