
41 Pins
ASHA Online Store Out of Stock Error
Audio CD and manual: Learn current research and best practices while critically reviewing the design and implementation of an optimal swallowing screening tool.
Assessment and Intervention for Oropharyngeal Dysphagia
Dysphagia. Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at http://Pinterest.com/sostherapy for therapy resources.
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF), swallowing, dysphagia. Patient functional goals and scenarios
The right bite feeding therapy tool - Therapy Fun Zone
The right bite feeding therapy tool - this would mean so much less slobber on my hands. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources pinterest.com/sostherapy/.
Pediatric Dysphagia-Patient Handout-Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources http://pinterest.com/sostherapy.
ASHA Online Store Out of Stock Error
What you'll learn from this DVD and manual: The program explains and illustrates the interaction between the patient and clinician, from the initial consultation, through the patient interview, to the clinical examination and eventual instrumental exam.
WHAT IS A VIDEOFLUOROSCOPY? Great information for your dysphagia patients by Amy Reinstein. Pinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at http://pinterest.com/sostherapy for therapy resources.
Your online SLP service: laryngectomy, tracheostomy, dysphagia, larynx cancer rehabilitation, voice prosthesis
Practical SLP Info: Laryngectomy, Swallowing, Tracheostomy, Feeding Tubes, Refulx, Voice. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources. Follow all our boards at http://Pinterest.com/sostherapy for therapy resources.
Dysphagia Exercises
Dysphagia Exercises | Medical Speech Pathology - great website with a lot of useful information... my speechie loves!!!
Swallowing Exercises for Dysphagia From Neurological Causes
Dysphagia Therapy - Swallowing Exercises for Dysphagia Therapy
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
basic explanation of different therapy techniques for swallowing disorders. try this link--see pdf http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gastroenterology_hepatology/_pdfs/esophagus_stomach/swallowing_disorders.pdf
Oral Care/Oral Hygiene
Oral Care for patients with Dysphagia. Repinned by SOS Inc. Resources pinterest.com/sostherapy/.