sew | bags - pouches - cases

Sewing patterns and tutorials.
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Quilted Red and Blue Floral Kindle Sleeve Sewn From Vintage Quilts and Fabrics Each Unique, Perfect Gift for a Booklover, 1940s Quilt - Etsy
Quilted Pink and Blue Floral Kindle Sleeve Sewn From Vintage Quilts and Fabrics Each Unique, Perfect Gift for a Booklover, 1940s Quilt - Etsy
DIY 3 Compartment Tote - diy pouch and bag with sewingtimes
Are you tired of digging through a messy bag to find what you need? A three compartment tote can help you stay organized and save time. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of making your own three compartment tote.
Make Your Own Vinyl Project Bag with Easy Self Binding (No Traditional Binding)
Make a stunning Vinyl Project Bag with Self Binding in no time! Keep your projects together and organized with these super handy bags. With the easy Self Binding technique we cut the time to do the binding in half, compared to traditional binding which let’s be honest can be a bit of a drag when making smaller projects. #vinylprojectideas #vinylprojectbags #vinylzipperpouch #Vinylpouchpattern #freesewingpattern
Pen Holder for Book Pen Sleeve for Journal, Planner, Notebook Journal Bookmark Pen Pouch Fabric Bookmark Pen Case Pen Pocket - Etsy
Scrap Sewing: Make a Gathered Round Basket.
One of our most popular sewing tutorials, is our Gathered Round Basket. The little fabric basket is a fun scrap buster project. The baskets can be used for all sorts of things – for holding supplies in the craft room; storing items in a bathroom or bedroom; holding stationery supplies; and for packaging gifts. Our free tutorial is beginner friendly and a fun way to make baskets for your sewing room. Put your fabric scraps to good use with this sewing pattern.