Process of Change and Effectiveness of Family Constellations: A Mixed Methods Single Case Study on Depression - Sandra Ramos, Jorge A. Ramos, 2019
Aims: To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constellations (FC) using mixed methods in mixed settings (videoconferen...
Process of Change and Effectiveness of Family Constellations: A Mixed Methods Single Case Study on Depression - Sandra Ramos, Jorge A. Ramos, 2019
Aims: To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constellations (FC) using mixed methods in mixed settings (videoconferen...
Karuna: One of the most beautiful branches of Reiki
Karuna: One of the Most Beautiful Branches of Reiki
Karuna - Um dos mais belos ramos da árvore do Reiki (2.ª Edição) - Instituto de Ciências Integradas™
Karuna - Um dos Mais Belos Ramos da Árvore do Reiki
"Remember this cover ... when you go to a bookstore, she will call your attention ... and it seems that more are coming ..."
"And now together ... and happy for another edition of our work."
"Sandra told me to wear this shirt, because Karuna deserves it ... she was right :)"
"Yes ... the cover is great ... with more contrast, more Karuna ..."
"Second edition's coming... it's right there..."
Karuna - Um dos mais belos ramos da árvore do Reiki. 2nd Edition (2014).
Karuna - Um dos mais belos ramos da árvore do Reiki. 2nd Edition (2014).
Dinalivro - menosketiago™ Designer & Illustrator
Dinalivro - menosketiago™ Designer & Illustrator
Dinalivro - menosketiago™ Designer & Illustrator