Beauty Care

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7 dicas simples para estar sempre bonita Acordar cedo todos dias e ainda estar sempre bonita? Tarefa difícil, não? Começar toda aquela produção diariamente e ainda levar uma mala cheia de coisas para passar o dia fora é cansativo e muito corrido. Por isso nós separamos 7 dicas para você ficar sempre bonita.
7 erros que devemos evitar na hora de cuidar dos cabelos
#Infográfico #Infographic #Sevenlist #List #Lista #Beleza #Beauty #Desenho #Cabelo #Hair #Cuidados #Erros #Dicas #Toalha #Secador #Chapinha #Babyliss #Modelador #Shampoo #Saúde #Água #Banho #Ducha #Chuveiro #Escova #Pente #Lavar #Cuidar #Tratar #Hidratar
The benefits of reading books (infographic)
The benefits of reading books (infographic) FRIENDLY STAFF JAN 24, 2014
10 interesting facts about reading (infographic)
Just a reminder: the benefits of #reading
Bruce Lee Philosophy: 12 Positive Insights You Can Apply To Your Life
Bruce Lee Philosophy | There are some people who make their mark in a big way, and Bruce Lee was one of them. Even though the actor, philosopher, and martial arts instructor only lived a short 33 years, he had many uplifting and insightful things to say. Many people believe that he was extremely mature for his age and way ahead of his time. Following is some of the Bruce Lee Philosophy |
Seu cabelo vai ficar liso e crescer como nunca com este alisamento totalmente natural!
Seu cabelo vai ficar liso e crescer como nunca com este alisamento totalmente natural! | Cura pela Natureza
25 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams | The Domestic Life Stylist™
Do you want to live the life of your dreams? Here are 25 ways to do it. #goals #motivation
Green Tea Sugar Scrub
Easy green tea sugar scrub with all the benefits of green tea and only three ingredients. Add essential oils for a nice aroma
Dry Cracked Feet, and How to Fix Them
Get Gorgeous Now: Six Amazing Beauty Hacks // In need of a detox? Get your teatox on with 10% off using our discount code 'PINTEREST10' at
How To Layer Skincare & Makeup Products | Makeup Tutorials
How To Layer Beauty Products, check it out at