Medieval Recipes

Shakespeare's Kitchen
medieval recipes | Shakespeare's Kitchen: Renaissance Recipes for the Contemporary Cook ...
The International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds & Medieval Stuffed Eggs Recipe
Medieval Stuffed Eggs from the late medieval period books Libre de Sent Sovi and Cuoco Napoletano
Individual beef pies
This beef pie recipe may take a while to prepare, but the succulent meat and perfect pastry are well worth the effort.
The Tudor Tattler: Twelve Days of Tudor Christmas: Feasting
St Patrick, Gold and the best Medieval Beef Stew you ever tasted!
aarid's favorite beef stew
Cassell's dictionary of cookery : containing about nine thousand recipes : Cassell & Company : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Colour plate from Cassell’s Dictionary of Cookery (1892)
Tartelettes d'Arya Stark, de Game of Thrones
Tartelettes d'Arya Stark, de Game of Thrones