
214 Pins
Fluid Acrylic Painting Video
Acrylic Pour using a #flipcup, easy technique for beginners. For more video tutorials, check out my YouTube channel.
Go with the Flow🔮
Sometimes the artistic process requires you to get a little messy. What kind of fluid art ideas would you like to try with your #Arteza Acrylic Paint? Artist Credit: @kaitlin.artworks
My process for a flawless resin finish
This is my process for finishing a piece with resin and glitter. I used KSRESIN- get 10% off with code CINETHIA when you visit the link!
Get Your Creativity Flowing
Let each layer of color inspire you even more as you watch your masterpiece come together. See what incredible artwork you can create with #Arteza #Acrylic Paint! Artist Credit: @fluidartbymelanie
Fluid Acrylic Painting Video - PVC Pipe Pour
Fluid acrylic painting using a pvc pipe to pour the paint through creating a #abstract serpentine painting. For more video tutorials, check out my YouTube channel. #fluidart #fluidpainting #acrylicpour #acrylicpouring
It's Tutorial Time! – Totebag-Rucksack nähen • Seemannsgarn - handmade
Nähe deine eigene Tasche! Nähtutorial für Totebag-Rucksack, Schritt für Schritt
Super-Sweet Cardinal Handprint Gift - House by Hoff
cardinal-handprint-gift-via-house-by-hoff - winter kid craft #craftsforkids #crafts #kidscraft
themerriweather council blog
4 things I wish I had done during my first year in handmade business | the merriweather council blog blogging tips ideas #blogging #resources