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Shree Rukmini MahaLakshmi 😍
माँ रुक्मिणी कृष्ण की आत्मा हैं, श्री रुक्मिणी मूलप्रकृति हैं और इस ब्रह्मांड की निर्माता हैं, वे सभी की जड़ हैं"। - [स्रोत - गोपाल तापनी उपनिषद, अथर्ववेद] Maa Rukmini is the soul of Krishna, Sri Rukmini is mulprakriti and the creator of this universe, she is the root of all". - [Source - Gopala Tapani Upanishad, Atharvaveda] माता रुक्मिणी श्री कृष्ण से इतना प्रेम करती हे कि श्री कृष्ण को श्री रुक्मिणी का प्रियतम कहा जाता है। इसी कारण श्री कृष्ण को रुक्मिणी वल्लभ कहा जाता है ❤️‍🩹 Mata Rukmini love Shri Krishna so much that Shri Krishna is known as the beloved of Shri Rukmini. This is why Shri Krishna is called RukminiVallabh. #rukmini #krishna #rukminikrishna
7 Grooming Hacks That Are a Complete Lie
There is no shortage of myths out there about grooming habits. Some are recent, but we've been brought up with others – like the miracle work of toothpaste – for years. Today, we're talking about 7 false grooming hacks for men.