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Virtudes, Vícios E Pecados... Manuscrito do sé. XVI, mostrando 'Noé libertando uma pomba e um corvo', da Bíblia Holkham, famoso foto-livro que conta a história bíblica em francês normando, com a ajuda de ilustrações copiosas de século XIV da Inglaterra.
Book of Hours. detail. Netherlands 14th cent. Ms Codex 738. Penn Lib.
Hell Mouth, Book of Hours. detail. Netherlands 14th cent. Ms Codex 738. Penn Lib. by tony harrison, via Flickr
The British Library: The National Library of the UK - The British Library
Detail Egerton MS 3277 Date 2nd half of 14th century Title Psalter and Hours (the 'Bohun Psalter') f.148v
Image of an item from the British Library Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts
Description: Illustration of the swan of the constellation Cygnus, with text or scholia within the figure of the constellation. Origin: France, N. (diocese of Reims)
Raymond Lull, from Thomas Le Myèsier's alchemical text Breviculum, 14th c. France. Note the rubricated "speech bubbles."
Medieval animals made out of words This is a special book from the early Middle Ages (France, 9th century). Not only does it contain a high ...
Medieval Imago & Dies Vitae Imagens e Cotidiano da Idade Média
Medieval Imago & Dies Vitae Imagens e Cotidiano da Idade Média | História Medieval | Página 7
Insects, Basil Thyme, and Land Snails (detail), Joris Hoefnagel, Georg Bocskay, 1591-96, script 1561-62