
17 Pins
DreamBox 3 | Create Room
Estou precisando, depois nem consigo entra no meu quarto de tanta bagunça kkk(iria estar bagunçado com ou sem isso kkk)
Espaços flexíveis _ pelo tamanho dos espaços de agora cada vez mais necessários. #arqsteinleitao #ARQUITETANDOIDEIAS #ikea #espacoflexivel #espacopequeno #moveissobmedida #InteriorDesign
Spring into Organization: Home #1 Tour
PIcture frame jewelry box. My mom used to (maybe still does) have one of these. I always loved looking through it. Seeing a picture like this ma kes me realize how organized they could be instead of my stinky little box where everything lays flat. This lady has a one in one out rule.
Hayneedle -
Photo Frames Wall Mount Jewelry Armoire Mirror - High Gloss White - Jewelry Armoires at Hayneedle
Jewelry Storage for Small Spaces: Fits in your Tiny House or Cottage
wall mount jewelry armoire mirror 02 Jewelry Storage for Small Spaces: Fits in your Tiny House or Cottage
Wall Scroll Locking Jewelry Armoire
$229.98/ Everything Turquoise. Wall Scroll Locking Jewelry Armoire. I want this so much!
35 Smart Bathroom Storage Ideas to Get Your Space Organized
Nifty Niches - Niches carved out between wall studs provide the prefect spot to conceal bathroom items of all shapes and sizes. Here, a trio of cutouts house luxury items, such as a small television (shown).
wat een goed idee voor onder een schuine wand. Foto geplaatst door titania op
ook een idee ipv een inloopkast, handig ook voor de seizoenskleding erachter te doen ipv op zolder
Möbel- und Baubeschläge, Lichtlösungen | HÄFELE
hidden storage behind bookcase in room with slanted walls, great idea!