an image of water and land with the words see

Milestones S6E3 Review - Water processes and Water Cycle

Product Details
This includes a PowerPoint that covers all of the Georgia Standards for S6E3. This covers all water processes on Earth and the Water Cycle. The PowerPoint includes 18 slides. Also included are the student notes and the teacher notes that accompany the power point. The student notes are set up for students to fill out as the teacher works through the PowerPoint. This is set up as a review at the end of the year or could be used to review a water unit. This is in PDF format. S6E3. Students will recognize the significant role of water in earth processes. a. Explain that a large portion of the Earths surface is water, consisting of oceans, rivers, lakes, underground water, and ice. b. Relate various atmospheric conditions to stages of the water cycle. c. Describe the composition, location, and subsurface topography of the worlds oceans. d. Explain the causes of waves, currents, and tides.