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#French expression of the day: je te vois mal parti - I see you heading for trouble Tag someone who's always heading straight for trouble. :D Listen to the pronunciation via downloadable audio in the weekly newsletter (link in the page bio)
The most romantic language
The most romantic language - 9GAG
Talk in French is the best website to learn French - Talk in French
7 French words to memorize and practice. For the MOST COMPLETE French Vocabulary e-book, go here:
The 50 Most Beautiful French Words You’ll Ever Hear | TakeLessons
50 Beautiful French Words - Infographic and Audio
French expression of the day: trouver un terrain d'entente -to find middle ground
Top 10 French Phrases You Should NEVER Say [& What to Use Instead]
Top 10 Phrases to Never Say in French [Cheat-Sheet
La négation
Français IES Santa Bárbara Niveau A1-A2: La négation
Top 10 French Phrases You Should NEVER Say [& What to Use Instead]
10 Phrases to Never Say in French