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Egg Crepe Wrapped Sushi for Girl's Day : Japanese Hinamatsuri Doll Festival <3 ひな祭りのアレンジ寿司 #sushi
meisen kimono. designs from 1930s - 1950s. Haruko Watanabe.
西麻布 割烹 たくみ(西麻布 日本料理・懐石)の料理・店内写真 | ヒトサラ
1904-1908, Japan for export to the Western market - At-Home Gown by Iida Takashimaya - Gray plain-weave silk; embroidery of peacock on cherry blossom tree from front to back bodice; "kumihimo" (Japanese cord) and tassels at cuffs; "fuki" (padded hem) in pink; "habutae" lining; made in Japan for export
Art Object | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kimono (Furisode) Date: 1850–1950 Culture: Japanese Medium: silk
Unlined Summer Kimono (Hito-e) with Crickets, Grasshoppers, Cricket Cages, and Pampas Grass | Japan | Meiji period (1868–1912) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Summer Kimono with Crickets, Grasshoppers, Cricket Cage and Miscanthus Grass. Period: Meiji period (1868–1912). Culture: Japan. Medium: Resist-dyed and painted silk gauze, embroidered. Dimensions: 65 x 50 in. (165.1 x 127 cm).
Ueno Tameji Yuzen dyeing ceremonial kimono of hitokoshi silk crepe “Delight”, made in 1954 Tokyo National Museum Collection
Unlined Summer Kimono (Hito-e) with Carp, Water Lilies, and Morning Glories | Japan | Meiji period (1868–1912) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Summer Kimono with Carp, Water Lilies, and Morning Glories. Period: Meiji period (1868–1912). Date: ca. 1876. Culture: Japan. Medium: Resist-dyed, painted, and embroidered silk gauze with plain-weave patterning. Dimensions: Overall: 59 7/16 x 49 1/16 in. (151 x 124.6 cm).
Art Object | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kimono | Japanese | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Kimono Date: ca. 1875 Culture: Japanese Medium: linen
Kimono | Japan | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
19th century kimono http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/the_costume_institute/kimono/objectview_enlarge.aspx?page=1497=0=asc==1495=8=0=1=8=80060649=1=0=0