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50 Pins
Nadine's Healthy Kitchen
2 tomates, 1 boule mozzarella (150 g), 1 petite aubergine, un peu d'huile d'olive Pour la vinaigrette: 1-2 cs d'huile d'olive, 2 cs vinaigre balsamique, sel, poivre, basilic émincé, 2-3 cc pesto (du commerce), mélanger le tout. Couper les tomates, l’aubergine et la mozzarella en rondelles. Verser un filet d’huile d’olive sur les aubergines, saler, poivrer et les griller. Disposer les légumes et la mozzarella sur un plat et verser la vinaigrette. Mettre au frais 20-30 minutes.
camarão com molho de manteiga e alho, um jantar delicioso só com 322 calorias
camarão com molho de manteiga e alho, um jantar delicioso só com 322 calorias | casal mistério | Bloglovin’
The most beautiful drawings chalk markers from Chilik. #markers #chalkmarker #chalkmarkers #chalkmarkerspen #chalkpen #chalkpens
salada de ricotta, pêssegos, presunto e amêndoas: um jantar light e saudável (casal mistério)
Salada de ricotta, pêssegos, presunto e amêndoas: um jantar light e saudável
Portuguese Pasta with Clams and Chouriço -
Portuguese Pasta with Clams and Chouriço - Massa à portuguesa com ameijoas e chouriço.
South Walton: Shop Like A Local Chef - Ed Reese of Edward's Fine Food & Wine Shares His Secrets - 30AEATS
fresh clams steamed in lemon butter. Possibly my favorite food from the beach ❤
100 Best Summer Chalkboard Art Inspiration - Decoratoo
Epic 100 Best Summer Chalkboard Art Inspiration Glass etching is an excellent hobby that enables you to create some masterpieces by employing minimal tools and lots of creativity.
1,082 curtidas, 42 comentários - Valerie McKeehan (@valeriemckeehan) no Instagram: “A fun, illustrated recipe to start off your weekend! Guacamole is. Happy Friday, friends!!! …”
Starbucks Espresso Guide Typographic Mural
Unique Infographic Design, Guide To Starbucks Espresso @sunanoshiro #Infographic #Design (
Cocktail Infographics: A Visual Guide to Creating 200 of the World's Best Cocktails
Although Sangria is not really my favourite, I love this chalkboard recipe by the amazing
Cet article n'est pas disponible - Etsy
Tableau recette cocktail Mojito Cuisine ardoise tableau à craie