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Keto Salted Caramel Cheesecake Mousse
This Salted Caramel Cheesecake Mousse is a quick and easy Keto dessert that's as decadent as it looks. Cream cheese is the main ingredient, making it taste like a sugar-free cheesecake that is made a fraction of the time.
This may contain: a person holding a spoon in a bowl filled with chocolate ice cream and toppings
Ferrero Rocher de Colher
1hr · 1 serving Ingredientes: - 1/2 pacote de biscoito maisena • - 100g de amendoim sem casca • - 2 colheres de chocolate em pó • - 3 colheres de Nutella • - 100g de chocolate meio amargo • - 100g de creme de leite • - 50g de amendoim triturado
This may contain: a person reaching for some food on top of a wooden plate with the words ferreto rocher caseiro
Ferrero Rocher caseiro
Ferrero Rocher caseiro • chocolate • amendoim • Nutella
{Mini} Pavlova Recipe
Pavlova is an elegant and beautiful dessert that might look intimidating to make, but is actually incredibly easy! The exterior is crispy, while the inside is soft like marshmallow. Filled with fresh whipped cream and a variety of fruit, this mini Pavlova recipe is a showstopper. Perfect for summer, brunch, after dinner, for the holidays or any occasion!