
20 Pins
🎆 Laser to Fluorescence・Aka Chang Part of his “Laser to Fluorescence” series, Aka Chang is showing a performance where a blue light traces sharp and green rays of circular motions. This dual interaction between human and phosphorescence constructs a complex act that redefines spatial boundaries. #akachang #abstract #visualarts #creativetechnology #artandtechnology #lightinstallation #immersiveart #interactiveart #lasermapping #lightingdesign #touchdesigner #newmediaart #digitalart #36degres
🎆 Coalesce・Mario Carrillo Coalesce is a multisensory installation using algorithms to create structured geometries that dissolve into chaotic swirls. The installation employs light-sensitive materials that react to changes in the visual composition, transforming Coalesce into a living system reflecting the the hidden structures behind the patterns of life. #mariocarrillo #abstract #installation #immersiveart #projectionmapping #creativecoding #newmediaart #digitalart #36degres
🎆 Floating World・A.A.Murakami This piece is an ephemeral experience composed of two distinct systems synchronized through real-time software. Automated dispensers create the bubble clouds, while precision air jets shape the fog rings, allowing the environment to shift dynamically. #aamurakami #floatingworld #ephermaltech #makingclouds #immersiveinstallation #bubbles #visualarts #artandtechnology #futureart #contemporaryart #newmediaart #digitalart #36degres
🎆 wilderness・David Bowen Wilderness is an installation that uses disposable plastic shopping bags to comment on humans’ impact on their environment. Inspired by Bowen’s journey across the Pacific Ocean, the installation serves as a visual reminder of how human activities permeate even the most remote areas, turning the concept of “wilderness” into a fragile illusion. #davidbowen #installationart #installation #creativetechnology #technologyart #contemporaryart #newmediaart #digitalart #36degres
🎆 8.33, Perception de l’invisible・Jésus S. Baptista 8.33, Perception de l’invisible is an installation embodying the tension between material presence and intangible perception. The large stone formation, split at its center and surrounded by luminous structures, becomes a portal of perception, hinting at a transcendental reality. #jesusbaptista #installation #technology #art #light #touchdesigner #cymatics #immersive #future #contemporary #lightingdesign #newmediaart #digitalart #36degres
(CH) Jonas Etter - Wallpieces (2008-2010) ***i like breaking the plane***
curated contemporary art /// autumn de wilde
OH! Look at this incredible outdoor photo install. It's called 'Lighting, Layers and Reflections' by Autumn de Wilde and it's perfect.
建筑设计项目#切实的模糊空间,意大利艺术家 Esther Stocker 设计,逻辑是模糊的,不稳定是常在的,冲突是一定的,模糊的感觉应运而生。采用黑色的纸板和钢材打乱感官,创造出错置的空间,模糊的空间