
446 Pins
Autumn vibes. Please do NOT REPOST.
Dear users of Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok and other social networks, this artwork was created by me and I ask you not to steal this image. I spend time and money to create something pleasing to the eye. If you like my work, just save this Pin to your board. You can use this image for personal use, kindergarten, school or nonprofit organization, but not for distribution on the network. Thank you for understanding. Lina.
Jeito fácil de se fazer barrados lindos! Legal, né? Bora colocar a nossa imaginação em ação e fazer lindos trabalhos! #bonequeirasforadacaixa #artesanato #costurainfantil #bonecasdepano #bamboladistoffa #sewing #viviprado créditos no vídeo
This may contain: a hand holding a small black object in it's right hand with the words costa torta nunca mais above it
Truques de Costura
This may contain: the sewing machine is working on the white shirt with green stitching around it's edges
Dica de acabamento perfeito com sianinha