
Nothing better than hanging out at the @tyehaus cabins on a cold day. - Cozy & Comfy
Nothing better than hanging out at the @tyehaus cabins on a cold day. - 9GAG
House porn, privacy not needed
House porn, privacy not needed - house porn post - Imgur
Een prachtig modern, grijs interieur met een paar accentkleuren
This apt bldg has shared garden spaces as circular gardens for their tenants! "You can still sit in your own cubicle. That's how it feels a bit like your own garden!" What a cool idea for those that want gardens.
Les plus belles piscines repérées sur Pinterest - Elle Décoration
Piscine dans un édifice http://www.elle.fr/Deco/Guide-shopping/Tous-les-guides-shopping/Les-piscines-de-reve-de-notre-ete-sur-Pinterest/