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I love traveling! I decided to create a spread for my travel planning map where I write all the places I've been and all the places I'd like to visit. Eventually I would like to put red dots on the map indicating the places I've traveled to. Hopefully my map will have lots of red dots!!! In order to get some inspiration for more exciting destinations to add to the list I thought of asking you where are you from? by christina77star
Como começar um novo hábito - A.Craft
Se você criou uma lista de objetivos que quer atingir em 2017, saiba que o hábito é a melhor maneira de chegar lá! Descubra como começar um novo hábito aqui
DIY Home
@alexandra_plans I love the color and creativity! Go check out there profile for more inspiration! | bullet journal | bullet journaling | bullet journal junkie | bullet journal junkies | bujo | bujo junkies | bujo junkies | planner | planner spread |
Esboços dreamcatcher e boho elementos | Vetor Premium
Esboços dreamcatcher e boho elementos Vetor grátis
29 Bullet Journal Layouts For Anyone Trying To Be Healthy
This habit tracker that lets you keep it all in one place: | 29 Bullet Journal Layouts For Anyone Trying To Be Healthy
The Problem With Saving Money - Start a Mom Blog
How to save money with a saving tracker in your bullet journal. This is such a great way to do the 52 week money challenge! What a great bullet journal spread!
Tiny Adventure Club
How To Bullet Journal — Tiny Adventure Club More