atividades sustentabilidade

77 Pins
Outdoor Training, Coaching & Development for schools
Creating nature art in a stick frame - always guide your groups not to pick too much - try and find things already loose on the ground.
ζώα – Σαλιγκάρι με κασκόλ
making pictures with leaves craft re-pinned by @Jennifer Milsaps Browning Kids Therapy
Natürliches Dekor / Zweigkunst / Libelle / Fee Gartenzubehör / Insekten / Stic... #
How You Can Save Energy This Fall
Many people are strict about lights being turned off in their home when they’re not being used; but did you know that lighting only makes up 5% of the average home’s energy use?
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Amazon Best Sellers: Best Books
Mais do que ler muito , altere a leitura com a escrita e tome nota das leituras, a fim de se obrigar a exprimir com clareza as suas opiniões e ideias. .