desenho e pintura

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351K views · 83K reactions | Eu não acreditei como é fácil fazer esta arte😱 😁Utilizando folhas, tinta acrílica e um toque de criatividade, você pode criar quadrinhos únicos que destacam os detalhes perfeitos que só a natureza nos oferece🍃💚 🍃Use folhas de sua preferência como molde, coloque sobre o vidro e pinte na cor que desejar, depois que a tinta estiver seca é só finalizar com tinta preta por cima para o fundo do quadrinho🍂😍 ✨O resultado é um espetáculo visual que vai transformar qualquer espaço💫😍 Arte fácil, acessível e cheia de charme🌟 Créditos ao autor: @artworkby_abi ❤️ #decoração #quadros #artemanual #artesanato #quadrospersonalizados #trabalhomanual #diy #diyhomedecor #facavocemesmo #dicadodia #saopaulo #riodejaneiro #brasil #usa #supervaidosa2 | Supervaidosa2
290K views · 50K reactions | Aprenda a fazer desenho 3D e ensine seus filhos . . . . . . . #dicas #truque #facavocemesmo #diy #desenho #paisefilhos #filhos #desenho3d #professora #professor #professoras | LucaoTech
290K views · 50K reactions | Aprenda a fazer desenho 3D e ensine seus filhos . . . . . . . #dicas #truque #facavocemesmo #diy #desenho #paisefilhos #filhos #desenho3d #professora #professor #professoras | LucaoTech
498K views · 14K reactions | Esse é o SEGREDO que os MELHORES PINTORES ESCONDEM de você! | Esse é o SEGREDO que os MELHORES PINTORES ESCONDEM de você! | By Gabriel Manfredi | A few cutouts on the paint roll, it passed on the wall and the drawing of a brick is out, let's test it. This wall is too ugly to stay like this, huh? So, we're going to decorate, but first we're gonna have to do a craft with this roll. For this roll here, to shape a brick, we'll have to remove the whole center of it first. So we are going to have to do a trim here right in the middle and beyond that trim down the center, we are going to now have to trim on that side and now we reverse that side and do the other one the same thing. In theory, it's for Rolo to stay that way. Now we're going to test it in practice to see if it's going to give the shape of brick when we paint the wall. If the roller has some irregularities, it's no problem because the brick is not 100% straight. So this is going to look even more real. Let's get some ink Putting it here because now we will find out if it will really work here. Roll soaking wet. Now we are going to test it. Three, two, one. Bro, it worked a lot, Pô, this was great, right? I think out of all the painting techniques we've tried in this profile, this shot was the best. It works and very well. The result looks pretty nice
498K views · 14K reactions | Esse é o SEGREDO que os MELHORES PINTORES ESCONDEM de você! | Esse é o SEGREDO que os MELHORES PINTORES ESCONDEM de você! | By Gabriel Manfredi | A few cutouts on the paint roll, it passed on the wall and the drawing of a brick is out, let's test it. This wall is too ugly to stay like this, huh? So, we're going to decorate, but first we're gonna have to do a craft with this roll. For this roll here, to shape a brick, we'll have to remove the whole center of it first. So we are going to have to do a trim here right in the middle and beyond that trim down the center, we are going to now have to trim on that side and now we reverse that side and do the other one the same thing. In theory, it's for Rolo to stay that way. Now we're going to test it in practice to see if it's going to give the shape of brick when we paint the wall. If the roller has some irregularities, it's no problem because the brick is not 100% straight. So this is going to look even more real. Let's get some ink Putting it here because now we will find out if it will really work here. Roll soaking wet. Now we are going to test it. Three, two, one. Bro, it worked a lot, Pô, this was great, right? I think out of all the painting techniques we've tried in this profile, this shot was the best. It works and very well. The result looks pretty nice
7K views · 29 reactions | Simple Tips & Tricks to Make Amazing Sketches 😱#cr7 #messi | Simple Tips & Tricks to Make Amazing Sketches 😱#cr7 #messi | By | Facebook
4.7M views · 17K reactions | Precisa fazer uma pintura e tem poucas cores, aprenda nesse vídeo como misturar algumas cores e chegar no resultado que precisa ✅ Já salva esse vídeo porque um dia com certeza, você vai precisar! ➡️ #cores #mistura #azul #verde #vermelho #roxo #vermelho #laranja #branco #rosa #cinza #preto #marrom #dicas #artesanato #i9dicas #viral | I9 Dicas | FETISH · Come Check This