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Search: rocks
Rocks underwater; movement and stillness... The mesmerizing movement of sun upon soft water is a feast. Could watch indefinitely because of the never-to-be-repeated configurations. Such beauty given from nature. K.W.
Sunset, a blaze of orange and blue color reminds us of the beauty of nature!
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4
Fan favourites: Purple passion - myLusciousLife
Ombre purple. What a perfect place to read a book... only in my dreams
Friday Favorites
Pink Trees:) I do believe God is going to have a special place in heaven just for women : )
Purple | Porpora | Pourpre | Morado | Lilla | 紫 | Roxo | Colour | Texture | Pattern | Style | Form | Purple Beach by Christian Gendron
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Sunset, Garden, flowers, Floral, Gift Idea, Home Decor, Fine Art Photography Image by JanePackard #fPOE via Etsy.
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There's something magical here. You can smell the freshness of it. It smells like springtime and old books.