
16 Pins
Everyone deserves a perfect world!
Moss. Laughing Buddha statues in Kyoto, Japan <3
朧月象ヲ也 Oboro Tsukiyou o Nari
Raijin 雷神 Shinto God of Thunder holding a hammer to beat the drums that surround him. 13th century, wood, Sanjūsangendō in Kyoto. Japan
ACE OF CUPS, from the Sola-Busca Tarot (Italy 1491) faithful reprinted by Wolfgang Mayer (Germany 1998)
Night Sun Tarot Review, Rating + Card Images
Card Images from the Night Sun Tarot
J. D. Mylius, Philosophia Reformata (Rosarium philosophorum sive pretiosissimum donum Dei), Frankfurt, ca. 1622
J. D. Mylius, Philosophia Reformata (Rosarium philosophorum sive pretiosissimum donum Dei), Frankfurt, ca. 1622
Bibliophilia on X
☤alquimia - Athanasius Kircher. Ars magna lucis, 1665.