Graphic Design

Corporate, visual identity, logos, posters, package and other graphic art
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Royal Dutch Shell plc ____________ Designer: Raymond Loewy Contractor: Royal Dutch Shell plc @shell Date: 1971 Information: The 1971 logo was designed by Raymond Loewy; his shell symbol is still in use today.
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Volkswagen ____________ Designer: Franz Reimspeiss Contractor: Volkswagen @vw Date: 1982 Information It's pretty Obvious what the Volkwagen logo is (a V over a W in a blue background, surrounded by a circle).
Life Is Hard: 10 ilustrações criativas mostram como a vida pode ser dura
Life Is Hard: 10 ilustrações criativas mostram como a vida pode ser dura
Nice Composition, Geometry, Colors ● A GEO A DAY ■ on Behance... - a grouped images picture
Nice Composition, Geometry, Colors Isabella Conticello ● A GEO A DAY ■ on Behance - created via
Creative Courses for Illustrators — Hello Brio
Click through to learn how to vectorize watercolor doodles using Adobe Illustrator. The free 5-minute video walks you through how to use the Pentel waterbrush to create fun watercolor doodles, then you can scan and digitize your waterdoodles to make anything—even repeating pattern designs!