What I Love

Things, places, people, animals, activities I love.
72 Pins
My best friend. My strongest protector. My world. I miss you and love you so much. You have seen me through the best and worst of times. I wish we had more time together. I will see you again someday and that will make my heart whole again. Until then, please stay close and know that I love you more than life. You will always be in my heart baby Bit. 😭
All Westie dogs go to heaven...i pray I see this the day my dog passes away...-Mari/If you just lost a pet, read book Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates (based on scriptures, not just opinion). May you find peace within those pages...-Mari
Vega - Chien - West Highland White Terrier - Yummypets
la plage 7 - Vega - Yummypets
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diagnosed westie holic adge. $1.00, via Etsy.