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7 Ridiculously Easy Makeup Tips That Will Simplify Your Life
OF COURSE, you don't need to go all out with a smoky eye if you don't want to! And it takes practice, practice, practice to get right. Read more about this here.
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The best eyeliner techniques for every eye shape.
How to Use Color Correcting Makeup: a Step-By-Step Guide | by L'Oréal
Color correcting is a must in the beauty world right now, and our guide will help you decide which color correctors you really need an tell you how to use it.
32 astuces beauté qui sauveront toutes les personnes paresseuses
Testez toujours votre fond de teint sur votre cou, et non sur votre bras, pour un accord parfait( appuyez sur lire ou visiter)
¡Ten unas cejas perfectas con esta guía! - EstiloDF
Beauty Tip: The right brow shape can actually lift your face and open up your eyes. Remember that the wider the space in between the the brows, can make the tip of nose appear wide as well. 1- is where a eyebrow should begin. 2- where arch should be. 3- is where brown ends.
Foundations: How to Apply Creams, Liquids, Powders and Balms | by L'Oréal
Eu gostei dessa imagem porque explica resumidamente,como fazer contornos,passar blush e iluminado!Importante na construcão de um make lindo para festa ,badala e outras ocasiões .