Harry Potter

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ACTUALLY muggle electronics don't work properly when in vicinity of magic. They either stop working completely or become magical themselves, like the Ford Mr. Weasley used to have.
#harrypotter #ron #hermione #danielradcliffe #emmawatson #rupertgrint
Didyousaymaraudersormurder DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW DRACO MALFOY IS JUST a HUGE FUCKING MEME YOU CANT TELL ME HOGWARTS STUDENTS DIDNT SAY My Father Will Hear About This OR Potter ON a DAILY BASIS WHEN SOMETHING HAPPENED I JUST WONT ALLOW IT Broromini I'm Picturing Instead of Thanks Obama Everyone Just Mutters POTTER Every Time Something Small Goes Wrong Everyone Loses Their Shit When Harry One Day Spills Ink of Himself and Mutters POTTER I Accept This Headcanon Harrypotter Drarry Potterhead | Meme on ME.ME
via me.me//POTTER
I like the mudblood pop culture stuff. My headcanon is that Hogwarts purebloods develop their own quasi-pop culture by osmosis. Like, all the muggleborns are using Belieber as a word, so purebloods adopt it as slang for a vapid person, because, as far as they can tell, that's what it means.
Muggleborn students. Yes. All the yes.
Definitely detention 😂 He was raised muggle he isn’t gonna fall for that
Professor: what you fear most will come out of this wardrobe right now and you have to turn it into something funny *Death and Thoughts of Eternity jump out* Me: hmmm should I use the white guy blinking or pennywise meme to fix this
Muggle borns of Hogwarts<<I need this to happen<<<<i actualy started daydreaming about this on a bus and i started laughing and about 15 people turned around and stared at me....good to know someone out there thhought this would be entertaining aswell. << that comment