FRESH Quotes

Life-Changing Quotes
Quote: "For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness." Lesson to learn: The time and energy you spend on being angry you can spend on something that will better you, like happiness. Let go of your anger and grudges.
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Filled with Joy I am so joyful lately and wish the same for everyone else on the planet.May you all be filled with J O Y ! #joy #happiness #quotes
MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY: when it’s ok to quit
Just say yes Tina Fey quote
Acquired to Scale Ecommerce Operations
Need a little pick me up to get you started for the week?? Below I have picked some inspirational quotes to help you get through the week. Enjoy and stay motivated!
Relationship Advice, Travel & Career Tips
Stay true to you and up will end up incredibly happy.
Happy winning quotes -
Desserts first! - Brer Rabbit Molasses is pure, all-natural sweetness anyone can enjoy. #dessert #quotes #food
24 Signs You Should Be a Fashion Blogger
25 Signs You Should Be A Fashion Blogger via @WhoWhatWear