Poesía de fogon

14 Pins
This may contain: a plate with some food on it and someone dipping something in the bowl next to it
Untable de queso feta con cherrys asados 🍅🧀
📝 INGREDIENTES: ▪️200g de tomates cherry ▪️6 dientes de ajo ▪️Hierbas aromáticas: romero y tomillo ▪️1 cucharada sopera de vinagre balsámico (de Módena) ▪️Sal y pimienta al gusto ▪️Aceite de oliva virgen extra al gusto 🔸Para el feta batido: ▪️200g de queso feta ▪️1 cucharada sopera colmada de yogourt griego natural (sin azúcar) ▪️1 cucharada sopera de miel ▪️15ml de aceite de oliva virgen extra ▪️1 diente de ajo asado ▪️Pimienta negra al gusto 🔥⏱️ TIEMPO DE COCCIÓN ≈30 minutos en horno precalentado a 180ºC
This may contain: a white plate topped with pasta and sausage
Risotto de tomate y champiñones 🍄🍅👨🏻‍🍳
This may contain: a white bowl filled with meat and rice
Guiso de choco con arroz blanco 🦑🍚
This may contain: a white plate topped with salad and shrimp next to a glass of orange juice on top of a wooden table
Ensalada de temporada con garbanzos y langostinos 🍊🍤
This may contain: a white plate topped with pasta covered in sauce
This may contain: a white plate topped with sliced peaches and feta cheese on top of lettuce
Ensalada de requesón y melocotones a la plancha 🍑
This may contain: a white plate topped with a pizza covered in toppings next to an onion wedge
Tartar de tomate y boquerones en vinagre
This may contain: a white plate topped with an egg and tomato salad on top of a wooden table
Ensalada burrata con vinagreta de rúcula
This may contain: a plate that has some kind of food on it with mushrooms in the bowl next to it
¡Risotto de portobello y roquefort! #risotto