18 Pins
3 Exercises To Target Your Inner Pecs & Build a Strong Chest -
CHEST WORKOUT: WHY YOUR INNER CHEST DOESN’T LOOK AS GOOD AS IT SHOULD? Most people never build inner chest they want for one very simple reason - they don’t train it hard enough or often enough. One weekly session of bench pressing then a few press-ups just won’t break down enough fibres to provide the stimulus your muscles needs to rebuild and become bigger and stronger.
Core Challenge?
Summer is close and while running is awesome and great for maintaining your weight, it doesn't tackle that tough tummy area! So I was thinking...with bikini weather about a group core ch...
Dicas de treino - Abdominal Image Results
Dicas de treino - Abdominal
7 benefícios que você tem ao fazer exercício prancha quase todos os dias - Fitness Lifestyle
Exercício prancha - Benefícios
Using just your body weight, very effective moves.
Using just your body weight, very effective moves.