
608 Pins
I could make these! If I use a needle and thread and make each body part individually these could be really cute!
Mala De Viagem Rígida
Composição Exterior: 90% Acrilonitrila butadieno estireno, 10% Policarbonato, EXTC1: 100% Tereftalato de polietileno, Composição Interior: 100% Poliéster, Dimensões cm: 40x55x23 (CxAxL), Comprimento da Alça (Min. - Max.): 10, Tipo de Abertura: ZIPPER, Capacidade (l): 20
a pastel-paint-inspired color palette — Akula Kreative
a pastel-paint-inspired color palette — Akula Kreative | a graphic + web + print design studio in houston, tx