My Belgrade Hanami
Beograd zna da bude naglaseno rough&tough. Cim sam, ocarana sofisticiranostima Japana kojima se ovih dana ovde bavim, pomislila kako Beogra...
~*++Hope: "It Is Well With My Soul," Hillsong. YouTube Video
~*++Hope: "It Is Well With My Soul," Hillsong. YouTube Video "You are the rock on which I stand. By "Your grace, it is well. My hope is sure in Christ my Savior. It is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul. . ." (Click link to see/hear this inspiring song.) #music #Christian_music #Horatio_Spafford #Hillsong #It_Is_Well_with_My_Soul #peace #rock #grace #hope
Caminho repleto de cerejeiras com flores rosa! *-*
Wisteria tree at Ashikaga Flower Park, Japan.  Photography by KotHat on photohito
Simplesmente lindo
NATURE, Natural Wonders, the Moon, & WEATHER (Beauty & The Beast!) ~*~
Spring blooms.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
O PLANETA TERRA-Humanidade_Lúcia: the four seasons - Coleções - Google+