
471 Pins
This Artist Merges Disney Heroes With Villains - Awesome
This Artist Merges Disney Heroes With Villains
26 Gender-Bending Disney Characters That Actually Look Nice - Funny
26 gender-bending Disney characters^ theses are brilliantly done, all of these all exactly how I believe these characters would look like if they were the opposite gender
Disney kind of pisses me of. I mean look at their ages, they found love with older men at these ages I mean snow white was 14. And then people seem to think it's wrong for girls to find older men more attractive that the ones their age. But ever since we were younger that's all we have seen through these movies. Rapunzel was 16 and flyn rider was said to be about 27.
This is how Disney princesses look like if they lived in 2017
【绘画素材】超漂亮的眼睛,作者一定是画眼睛的高手,总之是触爆了,小图就很高能,(つω`)~和墟源完全不是一个等级的战斗力啊。 插画手绘 手稿 素描 铅笔画 - 堆糖 发现生活_收集美好_分享图片
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This post only shows sectoral heterochromia, or when one eye has two different colors. Heterochromia is usually when a person has two eyes with different colors.
23 Actors Who Went Through Insane Physical Transformations for a Role - Movie & TV
23 Actors Who Went Through Insane Physical Transformations for a Role