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Primary Packs - Special Price
Special Offers
Buy FUNTASTIC ENGLISH 2 + SUPER SIMPLE ENGLISH 1 for only 10€... ... and get : - Classroom Posters Pack, - Magic Easter Pack, - Classroom Rules Pack for FREE! The most recent packs at a bargain price!
Because Valentine's Day is just around the corner... Don't miss this great opportunity to get all my 35 ESL Teaching Packs for ONLY 22€!
Because Valentine's Day is just around the corner... Don't miss this great opportunity to get all my 35 ESL Teaching Packs for ONLY 22€!
Get The UK Pack + Classroom Rules Pack + Classroom Posters Pack + Classroom Language Pack for ONLY 6,80€
Buy Let's Talk About... Family + Let's Talk About... Looks + Let's Talk About... Who We Are for ONLY 10€... ... And get Go Fish Games + School Calendar 2015/2016 + The United Kingdom Pack FOR FREE!
Let's Talk About... series ONLY 8€
English With Games series - ONLY 6€
The 4 Primary Packs - ONLY 12€