Living: ERCO Lighting Projects

The places in which we live mirror our personality and attitude to life. Here we want to be with the people we love and value. Our home must suit our leisure activities, provide room to work and be a place of refuge where we find peace and tranquillity. ERCO’s lighting solutions therefore adapt flexibly and individually to any situation. The brilliance of our LED light is guaranteed at all times to create an atmosphere of wellbeing.
22 Pins
Residential lighting – private and healthcare | ERCO
Minimal lighting design to focus the essential. Parscan is an elegant and universal LED spotlight system which is precise and flexible. Project: South Street / Grand Designs House Photographer: Lukas Palik #erco #ercolighting #thelightfactory #lighting #living #designhome #modernlighting #lightup #lightingdesign #architecturelighting
Residential lighting – private and healthcare | ERCO
Using light to create space! Vertical illuminance achieves sustainable ambient lighting in private residences more effectively than horizontal light of the same connected load. Project: Residence Düsseldorf Photographer: Thomas Mayer #erco #ercolighting #thelightfactory #lighting #living #designhome #modernlighting #lightup #lightingdesign #architecturelighting
Residential lighting – private and healthcare | ERCO
Light for big and small tasks. In few other areas does light need to suit such a wide range of activities in so small a space as in the home. Differentiated ERCO lighting design and LED photometrics offer the perfect solution. Project: South Street / Grand Designs House Photographer: Lukas Palik #erco #ercolighting #thelightfactory #lighting #living #designhome #modernlighting #lightup #lightingdesign #architecturelighting
Residential lighting – private and healthcare | ERCO
At home, we want to be with people we love and value. Thinking, reading, sleeping, playing – hardly any other place combines such diversity of functions on so small a space as the place in which we live. ERCO lighting solutions bring this flexibility to any situation. Project: Private residence, Espergærde Photographer: Rudi Geisel, Berlin #erco #ercolighting #thelightfactory #lighting #modernlighting #lightup #lightingdesign #architecturelighting
Residential lighting – private and healthcare | ERCO
Digital light for private living and care. Designing the places in which we live deserves our full attention, as they mirror our attitude to life and provide a place of refuge from everyday life. Project: South Street / Grand Designs House Photographer: Lukas Palik #erco #ercolighting #thelightfactory #lighting #modernlighting #lightup #lightingdesign #architecturelighting
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
The wallwashers accentuate the artwork and add sufficient ambient lighting to the room.
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
The open design of the staircase with the elevator allows a view into the living room. The LED light lends a glow particularly to the bold colours of the paintings.
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
Schnabel residence, Berlin
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
The free-standing elevator block stretches up through the living quarters. The light of the wallwashers underlines the dimension of the room and draws attention to the paintings. A single spotlight illuminates the elliptically shaped top of the large conference table on the office floor.
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
Light for a life with art. At a residence in Berlin, which presents itself as unconventional in every respect housing a collection of large-size artwork, ERCO spotlights demonstrate once more their quality and versatility in use – even for unusual requirements. Lawyer and art collector Gunnar Schnabel, an internationally recognised specialist in art restitution, took us on a tour of his home.
LED light: Carpe Diem Retirement Park - Living - Projects
Carpe Diem Retirement Park. Vertical illuminance is an economical way to increase the quality of life in retirement homes. ERCO's lighting design was supported by research and practical experience.
LED light: Schnabel residence, Berlin - Living - Projects
Schnabel residence in Berlin. It is arguably one of the most extraordinary structures in the German capital – the house in Berlin’s Tiergarten district, which lawyer Gunnar Schnabel built for himself, his wife, his art collection, and his office. Situated in a quiet street off Potsdamer Straße, the structure suggests neither luxurious villa nor capricious house that draws attention from afar.
LED light: Private residence in Humlebaek - Living - Projects
Private residence in Humlebaek. The row of light points along the stairs creates an optical connecting line between top and bottom. The LED orientation luminaires also ensure good visibility during the day.
LED light: Private residence in Kalmar - Living - Projects
Private residence in Kalmar: Mi­di­poll bol­lard lu­mi­n­ai­res mark the way through the gar­den of the re­si­dence. Ex­cel­lent an­ti-gla­re pro­per­ties en­su­re plea­sant vi­su­al com­fort and meet all the re­qui­re­ments of a Dark Sky light­ing so­lu­ti­on. Ar­chi­tect: Sweco, Anna Svens­son, Växjö; Light­ing de­si­gner: Input In­te­ri­or, Växjö; Pho­to­gra­pher: Tomas Sö­der­gren, Stock­holm; Place: Kal­mar, Sweden