
380 Pins
Orange Creme Brûlée Cups
A cheesecake, crème brûlée hybrid served in hollowed out oranges is sure to impress anyone at the dessert table.
Crema catalana tradicional - Receta Petitchef
Crema Catalana Tradicional de Espana. Es una crema con caramello quemado encima. Deliciosa.
Simposio's Palermo: Palermo's cuisine and Sicilian cooking recipes
Palermo recipes | Italian magazine about Italian food, culture and traditions | The Gourmet Mag | chocolate salami
Melting Chocolate Ball {Chocolate Sphere} - TipBuzz
Magic Chocolate Balls – An easy and beautiful magic recipe that looks like chocolate flowers blooming. When hot chocolate is poured over the swirl chocolate shells, they melt and collapse revealing the dessert inside. There's a special trick using balloons make it really easy to shape the chocolate into balls. So cool! Quick and easy recipe, no bake dessert, mother’s day recipe, holiday party video recipe.
Gin and Tonic Cupcakes
Gin and Tonic Cupcakes(could be dairy free if you substitute for the butter)
Panetone Feito na Latinha de Leite Condensado Você vai precisar de: - 8 latinhas - Papel manteiga. Receita passo a passo:
Neiman Marcus Popovers
This popover recipe is absolutely close to fool-proof as popovers can be.
Creme de limão crocante - Veja a Receita:
Sobremesa bem fácil de preparar, fica bem gostosa, experimente! - Aprenda a preparar essa maravilhosa receita de Creme de limão crocante