
14 Pins
Hall of the Universe: Modern Discoveries in Astrophysics | AMNH
Observando tudo à distancia, vendo como a Terra é pequenininha... e como é grande a nossa ignorância.
Earth's sun: Facts about the sun's age, size and history
Sun storms | | #universo #conhecimento #infográfico #infographic
How Galaxies are Classified by Type (Infographic)
Img1 - Astronomia, galáxias, classificações
Calendário Astronómico de Bolso 2016–17 | Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa
Rho Ophiuchi and Antares with FSQ-106ED and Reducer QE 0.73x April 2011 Saturation Elevated Light Version By hirocun
Planet-forming Lifeline Discovered in a Binary Star System - ALMA Examines Ezekiel-like “Wheel in a Wheel” of Dust and Gas
For the first time, researchers have detected a streamer of gas flowing from a massive outer disc toward the inner reaches of a binary star system. This never-before-seen feature may be responsible for sustaining a second, smaller disc of planet-forming material that otherwise would have disappeared long ago. Half of Sun-like stars are born in binary systems, meaning that these findings will have major consequences for the hunt for exoplanets. (ESO)
New USGS Map of Mars is Most Detailed One Yet
Long ago, in the largest canyon system in our solar system, vibrations from "marsquakes" shook soft sediments that had accumulated in Martian lakes. The shaken sediments formed features that now appear as a series of low hills apparent in a geological map based on new NASA images. Enhanced color image of the Candor Colles region of Candor Chasma, Mars. Image is 1 km (0.62 miles) across. (USGS Astrogeology Science Center, Flagstaff, Arizona)
6 Reasons to Upgrade to RebelMouse from WordPress
Sun activity, Oct. 22, 2012 Wow. Awesome thank you For sharing so amazing Data, pictures, time we Are living that we can Discover so close the Universe... Sincerely Loto
O céu noturno de agosto em 2016 | Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa
O céu noturno de agosto em 2016 | Observatório Astronómico de Lisboa