
12 Pins
M.C. Escher Demonstrates His Artistic Process in a Fascinating Documentary About His Life
Artist M.C. Escher Demonstrates His Artistic Process in a Fascinating Documentary on His Life
The World's Best Photos of impossible and isometric - Flickr Hive Mind
32 (regolo54) Tags: impossible isometric geometry symmetry penrosetriangle escher oscarreutersvard mathart regolo54 triangle star
tu me dis, j'oublie ; tu m'enseignes , je me souviens , tu m'impliques , j'apprends. B Franklin
m.c. escher:
The Polyhedra of M.C. Escher
To share: Awesome pdf guide for escher and tessellations lessons from the Akron Museum of Art
the Unstuck Diaries: When four worlds meet.
Three Worlds by M.C. Escher - "adoriamo il caos perché amiamo quando diventa ordine"
Butterflies, 1950 - M.C. Escher -
Butterflies - M.C. Escher: Op Art, black and white contrast lesson. could also use other examples of his work for perspective lessons
L'Espresso - News, inchieste e approfondimenti
Escher, la geometria dell'inquietudine