finger plays

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Music With Shannon on Instagram: "As we move outdoors, I’ve modified one of my favourite action songs to accommodate different surroundings! You can do this action/finger play song using just one hand (tap on your knee, the floor, or a table if close by). For older kids, have them try using 2 hands that tap matching fingers together for extra coordination challenge: One little finger, one little finger, One little finger, tap tap tap (tap your two fingers together) Point to the sky, point to the trees, Point to the nature you can see. Point to your nose… Nose! Continue with 2, 3, 4, 5 fingers and then count back down to extend the song/game! #point #fingerplay #actionsong #circletime #preschool #preschoolactivity #musicwithshannon"
Beth Gaskill on Instagram: "Realizing way too late into my teaching career that I was part of the problem by not cutting ✂️ off the UH sound in my sounds. B doesn’t stand for BUH, that’s a few sounds! Comment “card game” for a free printable game to practice letter recognition. Or go to for hundreds of on demand reading lessons for kids!"
Music With Shannon on Instagram: "Here’s one I learned from Miss Jolie @missjoliemusic who is such an inspiration and so much fun! She’s always got great ideas for songs, rhymes and bubbles!!! Add any action to this activity…jump, snap, stomp, roll…what would you add?! I’ll clap and I’ll clap and I’ll stop I’ll clap and I’ll clap and I’ll stop I’ll clap and clap and clap and clap I’ll clap and I’ll clap and I’ll stop #fingerplay #circletime #musicclass #kidfun #singingfun #brainbreak #musicwithshannon"
Ajooni Mehandiratta on Instagram: "One , two I love you to all ❤️❤️my insta family Follow for more rhymes @cute__baby_ajooni #rhymes #rhyme #bustarhymes #nurseryrhymes #rhymesayers #nurseryrhyme #rhymetime #rhymester #hilcrhyme #prhyme #beatsrhymesandlife #beatsandrhymes #thatrhymed #rhymer #rhymewithoutreason #itrhymes #thatrhymes #rhymefest #rhymesayersentertainment #ginrhymes #rhymeandreason #rhymereport #giftedunlimitedrhymesuniversal #rhymescheme #rhymefestla #bookofrhymes #songasoldasrhyme #nativerhymes #rhymesoverbeats #bringjusticetomyrhyme"
Music With Shannon on Instagram: "Here’s a classic! Roly poly, roly poly Fast, Fast, fast Roly poly, roly poly Slow, slow, slow Roly poly, roly poly Stop, stop, stop Roly poly, roly poly Go, go, go Roly poly, roly poly Quack, quack, quack Roly poly, roly poly Put them behind your back Roly poly, roly poly Clap, clap, clap Roly poly, roly poly Lay them in your lap #seatedactionsong #preschool #transitionsong #circletime #rolypoly #musicwithshannon"
Little Shell, Little Shell
"Little Shell, Little Shell" hide-and-seek flannel board, great to use with interactive Preschool Storytimes! Great to use with a beach or ocean themed storytime.
Music With Shannon on Instagram: "Come with me to the moon! Climb aboard the spaceship, we’re going to the moon, Hurry and get ready We are going to blast off soon! Put on your helmet And buckle up real tight Here comes the countdown So count with all your might! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! #fingerplay #tothemoon #toinfinityandbeyond #circletime #preschoolactivity #musicforchildren #preschoolteacher #musicwithshannon"