Photography Tips

Inspirational Photography Tips you need to follow on your journey as Photographer.
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How to Master Mountain Photography: Pro Tips and Secrets
What is the most important aspect in taking really good mountain pictures? Here's our guide to assist you in everything you need to know about mountain photography. #colesclassroom #photography101 #photographyskills #landscapephotography
Best Photography Books for Your 2020 Reading List
The best photography books give beginners a good overview of what it takes to be a good photographer and publish your own books someday. Check out our list of the best photography books for your reading list. #colesclassroom #photographybooks2020 #photographyreadinglist #photographyinspo
Tips for How to Add Clouds in Photoshop
Recreate beautiful, realistic clouds with this Photoshop tutorial. Dive into this article and learn it in no time. #colesclassroom #adobephotoshop #howtocreateclouds #cloudeffect
How to Make Money With Photography
Can photography make you earn money? This post will help you figure out how to make money with photography. #colesclassroom #photography #earnmoney #paidphotography
Blue Hour Photography: A Beginner’s Guide to Take Stunning Photos
There are plenty of reasons why blue hour is such an excellent time of the day for photography. We've list down everything you should know so you can avoid making technical errors and have quality images. #colesclassroom #cameratips #cameratricks #bluehourphotos
Nikon vs Canon: The Battle of Camera Manufacturers
Nikon vs Canon: who makes the best cameras? Let's explore the differences between the two brands so you could choose the one that you should buy. #colesclassroom #nikoncamera #canoncamera #nikonvscanon
Making it Glow: How to Add Stars In Photoshop
Ever wondered how to make stars in Adobe Photoshop? This quick tutorial will teach you how to make stars in photoshop quickly and easily! #colesclassroom #AdobePhotoshop #photoshopskills #howtoaddstars
Bird Photography For Beginners
How to photograph birds? In this guide, we will teach you how to take photographs of those fast-moving birds including the right camera setting. #colesclassroom #photographyguide #camerasetting #photographingbirds
Learn About the Best Lens For Product Photography
Every genre in photography requires a specific lens. In this article, we are going to discover the best product photography lenses in the market. #photography101 #photographygear #photographyequipment
Tips for How to Add Clouds in Photoshop
How to create a cloud in Photoshop. In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to add clouds in Photoshop. #colesclassroom #photoshop101 #photoshopskills #editingskills
How to Make Money With Photography
Do you want to make money with your photography? In this article, we'll talk how to turn your passion into profit. #colesclassroom #photographytips #photographypassion #photographyprofit
How to Master Mountain Photography: Pro Tips and Secrets
Since mountains are naturally photogenic, a lot of photographers dream of getting that perfect shot. In this post, we will cover the tips and tricks that professional photographers use to get those stunning mountain pictures. #colesclassroom #photographytips #photographytricks #mountainphotos
Best Photography Books for Your 2020 Reading List
The best books on photography will help you improve your skills. Take a look at our choices for the best photography books for all stages of your mastery and career. #colesclassroom #readinglist #bestbookforphotography #photographyskills
Blue Hour Photography: A Beginner’s Guide to Take Stunning Photos
Beautiful blue hour photographs are captivating in color and light. We'll go through some of my top tips and recommendations below. #colesclassroom #photographytutorial #photographytips #photographytricks
Nikon vs Canon: The Battle of Camera Manufacturers
If we talk about camera rivalry, the first ones we could think of is Nikon and Canon. For this article, we will narrow down the factors on why should you choose Nikon vs Canon. #colesclassroom #nikon #canon #cameramanufacturer