
265 Pins
5 Sexy And Beautiful Heels That You Can Have In Your Home
5 Sexy And Beautiful Heels That You Can Have In Your Home
This is actually a pretty cool way to get some color into a room w/o having to spend a whole lot of money on something! Awesome! ~KB
How to Make a Macrame Hammock | Hunker
A summer must! DIY your own comfortable and stylish macrame hammock. Macarame is a centuries-old method used to make furniture, plant holders and so many other beautiful home decor items. Get the how-to here: -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbsplapartiediva Resources and Information.
Great ideas for picture hanging arrangements!!
Sew Hack: DIY Plump Cushion Insert Tutorial
Cómo dejar un cojín estupendamente relleno con guata
Wipe Your Feet!
DIY: Color coordinated homemade bath rug, from a rubber grid mat, old towels and scissors! So chic and shag!