
112 Pins
Cheap Joe's Art Stuff
This watercolor was sent to us by Jean Weiner. It is on a full sheet of Arches 300lb paper and painted with Holbein watercolors. I love the colors on this painting. The title is Moonlit Dance. Jean, thank you for sharing your work with us. #watercolorpainting #artwork
1,182 Beğenme, 27 Yorum - Instagram'da Müzehhibe#İllumination artist (@fatmaozcay): "Halkar detay"
Deneme/sketch #tezhb #art #finearts #artgallery #islamicarts #illumination #design #istanbul #türkiye
HDmall: Pengiriman Obat & Booking Klinik | HDmall
Müzehhibe, Mimar Sinan G.S.U Tezhip Y.Lisans , eski Kimyager:)
HonestDocs: Info Kesehatan, Tanya Dokter, Pengiriman Obat | HonestDocs
Müzehhibe, Mimar Sinan G.S.U Tezhip Y.Lisans , eski Kimyager:) İzmir İstanbul ✈️
1,182 Beğenme, 27 Yorum - Instagram'da Müzehhibe#İllumination artist (@fatmaozcay): "Halkar detay"