Dicas de estudante

7 Ways To Be A More Put-Together Person | Figuring Out Now
Become the person you want to be and use these 7 tips to become a more well put-together person. While also making your life less chaotic and easier on you.
Here's How Often You Should Clean Your Stuff
Everybody wants to have a clean home, but sometimes it’s hard to know often you should clean certain items.
8 aplicativos para estudantes organizarem rotinas e melhorarem desempenho
.: 8 aplicativos para estudantes organizarem rotinas e melhorarem desempenho
Determined to Succeed
Don't Freak Over Finals #Infographic. This is everything: what to eat, how to study and even how to fall asleep faster during finals. Don't stress!
[Infográfico] 6 dicas de como se organizar para estudar
* Algumas palavras ficaram sem acento agudo por conta da fonte.